Monday, January 18, 2010

Wedding Planning or Marriage Planning?

It's that time of year. Your friends are getting engaged; maybe you're engaged. That one second "YES" catapults the couple into wedding planning mayhem-The colors, the venue, the mother in law and what about the bridesmaids? Shall we have cake or cupcakes? satin or silk? hire a wedding coordinator or try to cut corners by recruiting Aunt Jan. Then there is the music, food and then honeymoon arrangements. Will it be Cabo or Fiji? And the dress-it's Vera all the way! But let's not forget the most important component...the high end fashion photographer that transforms the couple into vogue super models! What's not to love about wedding season?

With all the planning in addition to family, friends, parties and dress fittings it is easy to forget the "one thing"-the one most important thing, the "WE".

Couples often fail to ask the really hard questions-are we right for each other? are we going into this "eyes wide open?", will we lie at the altar or walk in our truth?

To help couples answer such questions, I recommend THREE must have pre-marriage books!

1. Lies at the Alter The Truth about Great Marriages by Dr. Robin Smith
2. 101 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Married by Linda and Charlie Bloom
3. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

All three are fantastic and give broad perspective and tools that provide insight for hours of conversation.

I also recommend meeting with a pastoral or professional counselor or therapist-especially one who specializes in couples work. Also look for Prepare and Enrich Training. The PREPARE/ENRICH Program is used for premarital counseling, marriage preparation, and marriage enrichment. PREPARE/ENRICH includes a comprehensive couple assessment along with feedback using skills building exercises. It is highly researched and used throughout the world.

Happy Wedding Planning!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Life Matters

"Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone's task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it."-Dr.Victor Frankl

Meaning is found not given, discovered not invented. When we understand our "why's" for existing, the "how's" become secondary.

What is your assignment?
What in you demands fulfillment?
What unique task will you bring to the world?

If you don't know, you are in good company. But let the goal for this year be one of "seeking and finding." As you seek God may the authentic truest you begin to emerge with greater clarity than ever before...

And as you seek, you may find things in you that need to be tweaked, reworked, or even unpacked (how do you like that word?) Let's do it together. I am here for you to partner in your progress for life. While progress is not always's always worth it. For you WILL rise higher!


Angie Richey